Once a month, BDPS goes out to a venue to undertake a shoot on location, or in the winter months, tries various indoor photographic genres.
The middle of August promised to be a great night for an outdoor shoot, and we decided to work with two models at Smithill’s Hall to see how we could make use of the wonderful Tudor setting for some costume shots. Unfortunately, as we got nearer to the date, we knew it was not due to be a great night, but we just about managed to avoid rain. The light however was not the warm glow that we had been hoping for.
Nevertheless, around a dozen members managed to make great use of the opportunity and worked with the two very versatile and good-humoured models to produce many great images. People tried both low light techniques and outdoor flash. Here they are at work, shooting at various spots around the grounds.
It was great fun and an interesting exercise both for experienced photographers and some members relatively new to using the setting for portraits. We will be repeating it in January when the light will be better (!)