The Annual Battle

Our tradition  for some years has been to hold an annual inter-club battle between Bolton Camera Club, Wigan Photographic Society and Bolton Digital Photographic Society.

This year, it was hosted by BDPS in Horwich at our meeting on Wednesday 22nd August.  There was a PDI round of 10 images per club, followed by a mounted print round.  No single author is allowed to have more than two images per round.

It was a pretty closely-fought battle and judge Les Hitchcock had quite a challenge in awarding scores to many images of a very high standard and very diverse subjects.  Nevertheless, he carried out his job valiantly and the results were:

Bolton Camera ClubBolton Digital PSWigan PS
Projected Digital Image176166165
Mounted Prints174163165
Grand Total350329330

So the results were pretty close and all three clubs did themselves proud.  Many congratulations to Bolton Camera Club for being the worthy winners.  Wigan PS took the silver medal by just one point, so BDPS are proud to have achieved the bronze medal, with a glint of silver plating on it.

Thanks very much to all who contributed, as competitors, supporters and of course our judge Les.