Recommended work to explore
We have had three excellent external speakers in the first part of 2017 and are planning more for the future.
Steve Cheetham gave us a list of expert photographers in genres that inspired him. These are monochrome, long exposure and some first-class colour landscape work.
This list is provided here and is also available from the Links page.

Meetings arranged for 2018
The syllabus of club meetings covers the forthcoming 3 – 4 months. This covers our activities in the light nights when we can go for a monthly trip out, to the darker evenings when we concentrate on speakers and indoor camera techniques.
Visit the Meetings page for more information

Contact the Webmaster
Phil Wood is the webmaster, who always welcomes contributions to provide members and our external visitors to the site with interest and inspiration.
Please make contact with examples of your work, suggestions of events which might be of interest to our members and suggestions for speakers or anything else that strikes you.
Also note there are new entries on the Members Photos page and on the Club Outings page.

Snippets – our latest news
Here are a couple of recent items.
Follow the Blog to see more of our news.
Have a look at Pleasington Priory;